EVENT Services

"Jovan (Mystic Starseed) has been a regular facilitator at my holistic house parties for many years now. She is an intuitive with a spirit driven gift for healing and calming the heart, mind and soul. She offers, Tarot, Reiki, Sound-baths and more recently her “Floating Sound bath” at my parties. She always gets booked because my guests adore her. On a professional level she is prompt, trustworthy and looks amazing at every party. I personally use her services as well. I would recommend her to friends, family and to you!"
Tammy Gallagher - Tarot, Reiki & Sound Healing client
"My husband and I thoroughly enjoyed our sound bath. For once, my brain shut off and I felt at peace and the most relaxed I had been in years. Thanks Jovan, magical creature that you are!"
Rei Panasith - Sound Healing client

"Jovan started off with the gong. I immediately saw gold. Every distinct hit of the gong looked like a sheet of hammered gold with a shining matching aura.... After I ran energy, I felt more grounded than I had in previous meditations. It seemed as if roots came up from the ground and engulfed my entire resting body. I felt as if I became the ground and the roots.
Sarah Morrison, Reiki, sound bath & Tarot client and student